Snekzals (#77)

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Snekzals are large, playful and very fluffy creatures, with an impractically sized hand at the end of their noodle body. You can instantly befriend one by giving it a good pat! They have two known descendant subspecies, fenzals and trikzals.


Snekzals are an almost ancient species, unchanging for decades with new markings only ever observed once in recorded history. Although new subspecies are slowly emerging, snekzals remain the same.


Snekzals are incredibly large, often exceeding 15 metres (50ft) and have been seen up to 20 metres (65ft) and beyond. They have no legs, and instead can float and crawl to locomote.

One of the snekzal's most striking features are their bold, tall head feathers. These feathers start small after they hatch and slowly grow until reaching full size at maturity. After that point, if a feather is torn, it will not heal.

Their arms, while thin relative to the rest of their body, are still very strong, yet due to their calm nature they rarely use them against other sapient creatures, instead using them to catch prey or prune their feathers.

Despite their size, snekzals are shockingly quiet and rarely vocalise. When they do, it resembles hissing.


Snekzals are solitary, living on their own for the majority of their lives apart from to mate unless adopted. They are often seen drifting through the skies as they rarely land.

They're omnivores, but most commonly eat meat, using their flight to search for leftovers from the skies. They still can, and will, eat plants and fruit. They avoid conflict and theft if possible, though occasionally their mere size intimidates creatures enough to make them flee.


Despite snekzals being solitary by nature, they can very quickly bond with other species and settle in to live with them. They show no distress despite being far out of their element, and therefore make good pets. Their food needs, despite their size, are also somewhat low, though they will always enjoy extra snacks.

While snekzals cannot learn language, they're very in tune with their adopter's emotions.